Saturday, January 16, 2010

Trying to catch up

Needless to say I have been very busy lately. The boys are doing great. Brian and I aren't too sleep deprived, but we could always use a nap. Rush is growing up and has become a wonderful helper to me. Mason is going through the terrible two's and is just the slightest bit moody these days. He does love "Sawyer baby" though. Sawyer is doing great as well. He is growing and sleeping as well as starting to laugh and play. As you could imagine there isn't much spare time around here. The only reason I am even able to do this now is because I have had a little too much caffeine. After months of no caffeine my body likes to stay awake after I drink my tea or Dr.Pepper. This has never happened before! Caffeine never used to phase me, but after a short hiatus I guess I have to get used to it again. Maybe I am just getting old! Anyway, three boys is very busy, but also very rewarding. God has truly blessed me with a wonderful family. I don't thank him enough for them. I promise to try and post more often, but we will see if I can follow through!

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